Opening November 2022!


Like many other applicants from 2019, Valley Wellness is anxiously awaiting the Court’s decision on what to do about the handful of applicants that were disqualified due to technical submission issues/errors in the 2019 RFA.

The Department of Health has not addressed the remand of cases from the 2018 RFA Appeals. . . .the 2018 case was remanded to the Department in October 2020. However, the 2018 appeal and remand presents a more complicated issue for the Department, potentially having to re-score those applicants. The 2019 RFA potentially presents a more simple issue for the Department to address – whether to score those disqualified on technical grounds or give them a hearing about why they were disqualified.

With the number of medical patients continuing to grow, and adult use passing, now more than ever, New Jersey needs to expand access by licensing new businesses.

Stay tuned for the Appellate Division decision.

Check out this article in